Collision and comprehensive coverages provide financial safety nets in the event that your vehicle is physically damaged and needs to be repaired or replaced. Automobile insurance policies offer different coverages based on the type of policy that you purchase. Click the image to learn more by reading our Collision versus Comprehensive Coverage comparison sheet.
Month: January 2022
Directors and Officers Coverage
With today’s emphasis on transparency and accountability, an organization’s directors and officers face a countless number of exposures. Regardless of your company’s size or mission, the legal costs associated with a lawsuit can be crippling for both the organization and your directors and officers. Read more about Directors and Officers coverage. Click on the images below to download or print these resources.
Directors and Officers for Private Companies overview sheet:
Directors and Officers Liability Scorecard:
Contact us today to learn more about Directors and Officers coverage.
Office Safety
This week is National Office Safety Week. Do you ever see a utility worker on top of a telephone pole and think that you could never work in such hazardous conditions? While that job is more dangerous than an office job, statistics show they may actually be safer than you are in the office! Learn more about being aware of office safety issues. Click the image to download our safety sheet.
Snowblower Safety
Snow is beautiful. Right up until you have to move it! Be safe with your snowblower. Download our Safety Matters sheet for tips to keep you (and your blower) safe. Click the image to download or print the safety sheet. #safe2022