Directors and Officers Coverage

With today’s emphasis on transparency and accountability, an organization’s directors and officers face a countless number of exposures. Regardless of your company’s size or mission, the legal costs associated with a lawsuit can be crippling for both the organization and your directors and officers. Read more about Directors and Officers coverage. Click on the images below to download or print these resources.

Directors and Officers for Private Companies overview sheet:

image of directors and officers for private companies click image to load and read pdf

Directors and Officers Liability Scorecard:

image of Directors and Officers Liability Scorecard PDF click image to load and read PDF

Contact us today to learn more about Directors and Officers coverage.

Office Safety

This week is National Office Safety Week. Do you ever see a utility worker on top of a telephone pole and think that you could never work in such hazardous conditions? While that job is more dangerous than an office job, statistics show they may actually be safer than you are in the office! Learn more about being aware of office safety issues. Click the image to download our safety sheet.

Supporting Food Services for Needy Children

Evergreen Insurance and Tuscarora Wayne Mutual Group Foundation are pleased to support the Cambria County Backpack Project. The project provides food to children at risk of going hungry on weekends when they have no access to school-based meals.

The donation which includes funds from Tuscarora Wayne, Evergreen Insurance, and Evergreen staff will fund backpacks throughout the 2021 – 2022 school year.

Pictured below are Evergreen’s Patti Brown (L) and Caitlyn Altimus (R) presenting the donation to Project Director Kristin Villarrial.

If you’d like to join Evergreen in supporting the project, click here.

Structural Issues and Aging Buildings

While modern building codes and structural engineering have made buildings extremely safe, facilities managers must maintain a high level of upkeep for them to remain that way. As buildings age, they can lose their structural integrity. As such, if simple repairs are left untended, they can balloon into bigger issues, potentially causing significant damage that can interrupt operations and/or even endanger others.

Click the graphic to read or download the full article. Questions? Contact us or request a quote.

image of aging building article click on image to read or download full article

Safer Driving Tips

With fall weather comes more difficult driving conditions. Review our driving safety tips with all the drivers in your home or business. Click the graphic to read more or download our safety sheet. #driversafety

Cyber Risks & Liabilities Newsletter

October is cybersecurity awareness month. While it is always important to be aware of cyber threats, October reminds individuals and businesses that cybersecurity awareness is critical to keeping personal and commercial data safe. Click on the image below to read our cybersecurity newsletter. Articles include:

  • Promoting Cybersecurity in the Expanding Digital Economy
  • Key Benefits of Penetration Testing
  • Preventing Supply Chain Cyber Exposures
Cyber Risks and Liabilities newsletter pdf file

Contact us today or submit a request for quote for cyber coverage.