National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month. Although it’s not pleasant to think about, a natural disaster could occur at any time. It is essential to create a plan and prepare for an emergency. Your preparation now could save a life. Click on the image to download or print the safety sheet.

Beating the Summer Heat

Despite the approaching back-to-school season, the summer weather is still strong. There are a lot of dangers when the temperatures are high. Click on the image to download or print the safety sheet for tips for fighting the summer heat and avoiding heat related injuries.

Water Safety

Swimming or participating in water sports is one of the best ways to cool down this summer. While water activities can be fun, they can lead to accidents, including drowning. Today is National Drowning Prevention Day, so take a minute to read over tips on how to avoid dangerous accidents. Click on the image to download or print the safety sheet.

Vision Care: UV Protection

July is UV Safety Awareness Month. Most people know UV rays can be harmful to your skin… but it can also be harmful to your eyes! Learn more about the dangers of UV rays and how to best protect your vision. Click on the image to download or print the safety sheet.

Summer Picnic Safety

July is National Picnic Month! As you head out to enjoy a picnic with family and friends, keep your safety in mind. Food can easily become contaminated due to temperature or exposure. Click on the image to download or print the safety sheet.