Occupational Accident Coverage

Truck drivers face long hours and inclement weather when on the job. If your business employs independently contracted drivers, it’s smart to provide occupational accident coverage to help protect them and your company in the event of injury and accidents. Click on the image to download or print the sheet for more information.

Insurers Are Partners in Mitigating Cyber Risk

Cybersecurity risks continue to expand nearly unabated. While it can feel like trying to hold back a tidal wave with a bath towel sometimes, effective tools do exist and can be easily accessed.

What must always be remembered is that a commitment to resilience and pre-emptive mitigation remains imperative. Insurers are well-positioned to serve not only as financial first responders but as partners in managing these evolving hazards, along with their business associates and partners.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, “The first line of defense is creating a robust cybersecurity system, training employees on how to identify a potential attack, encrypting company data, and enabling antivirus protection. With only half of businesses reporting a consistent encryption strategy, and the cost of data breaches continuing to rise, organizations must do more to protect themselves and their customers.”.

Some commonly seen cyber liability risks include:

  • Liability—You may be liable for costs incurred by customers and other third parties as a result of a cyber attack or other IT-related incident.
  • System recovery—Repairing or replacing computer systems or lost data can result in significant costs.
  • Notification expenses—In several states, if your business stores customer data, you’re required to notify customers if a data breach has occurred or is even just suspected.
  • Regulatory fines—Several federal and state regulations require businesses and organizations to protect consumer data.
  • Class action lawsuits—Large-scale data breaches have led to class action lawsuits filed on behalf of customers whose data and privacy were compromised.

To extend cyber liability insurance coverage requires the purchase a stand-alone cyber liability policy, customized for your business to cover several types of risk, including:

  • Loss or corruption of data.
  • Business interruption.
  • Multiple types of liability.
  • Identity theft.
  • Cyber extortion.
  • Reputation recovery.

Contact the professionals at Evergreen for more information and guidance on obtaining the proper level of cyber liability insurance coverage for your situation.

Copyright 2023 Evergreen Insurance

Evergreen Insurance provides these updates for information only, and does not provide legal advice. To make decisions regarding insurance matters, please consult directly with a licensed insurance professional or firm.

Is Business Insurance Tax Deductible?

As a business owner, navigating the tax code for your business is difficult. Businesses are able to deduct ordinary and necessary business expenses, which include many forms of insurance. What types of business insurance are tax deductible? Click on the image to download or print the information sheet to learn more.

Common Tax Scams Every Business Should Know About

During tax season, criminals utilize tax scams to gain financial information from businesses. With these increasingly sophisticated scams, it can be difficult for your business to spot them. Adjusting your business’ policies and educating your employees can help mitigate the risk of becoming a victim. Click on the image to download or print the safety sheet and learn more about tax scams.

The Protection of Coinsurance

Securing appropriate insurance for your business and property can be enough of a process on its own. So what does the concept of coinsurance represent? Nothing less than protection for both the insured and the insurance provider.

Let’s start with defining our terms. Coinsurance is a property coverage provision set by your insurer that requires you to carry coverage for a certain percent of your property’s value. That way, your insurer can be sure you have adequate coverage if you need to make a claim, and it can ensure that its resources are adequate to cover that claim.

In a typical commercial property insurance policy, a coinsurance clause ensures that you carry adequate coverage to protect your assets. For instance, for an office building valued at $200,000, you would need at least $200,000 in property insurance coverage. If your policy has a clause with a coinsurance percentage of at least 80%, that means you must insure the building for at least $160,000. If you purchase less coverage, the insurance company may not pay out the full value of your damages, even if they fall within the limits of your policy.

Say you file a claim after a fire causes $100,000 worth of property damage. Your property insurance policy has a limit of $150,000 and a $5,000 deductible. Per your coinsurance clause, you were required to purchase at least $160,000 in coverage. Because you failed to meet your coinsurance percentage of 80%, you will face additional costs as determined by the ratio of the amount you carried divided by the amount that was required: $150,000 / $160,000 = 0.937. So if your loss was $100,000, your insurer will pay $93,700 minus your $5,000 deductible. Your total costs will end up being $11,300.

Not every insurance company includes a coinsurance clause in its policies. However, those that do require coinsurance typically have three reasons for doing so:

  • To ensure clients have adequate coverage. 
  • To protect their pool of resources to better handle real-world claim situations.
  • To encourage accurate assessment and underwriting.

The bottom line? When you’re required to meet coinsurance limits and do so, you’re more likely to make an accurate assessment of the value of your assets, which protects the insurance provider and you in the long term. Contact the professionals at Evergreen for more information on coinsurance and how it can apply to your business coverage.

Copyright 2023 Evergreen Insurance

Evergreen Insurance provides these updates for information only, and does not provide legal advice. To make decisions regarding insurance matters, please consult directly with a licensed insurance professional or firm.

Protection from Eye Hazards

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month. If you work in a manufacturing or construction job, there is a risk of particles or smoke irritating your eyes. Safety glasses or goggles are essential to keep these irritants from doing serious harm to your vision. Click on the image to download or print the safety sheet.

Email Security

Email is the most used form of communication in business. When contacting a client or coworker, you may need to send important business information via email. If your email isn’t protected against cyber threats, this information can be susceptible to a data breach. Click on the image to download or print the safety sheet.

Don’t Rely on Luck to Get Through the Next Health Crisis

Some people live by the credo, “I’d rather be lucky than good.” But as the Covid-19 pandemic taught us, it’s foolish to rely on luck alone to manage your business through a major health crisis. Complete and comprehensive preparation must take precedence.

Covid became a true turning point for many workplaces. The Human Resources function nDotow is expected to understand public health challenges swiftly and manage them efficiently. So, how to prepare? Here are four steps to success:

  1. Assess the Risk to the Organization
    Employers must remain updated on federal and local health guidance to help inform organizational strategies, while also considering questions like: Are employees at a heightened risk by being in the workplace during this crisis? What safety protocols will keep employees safe?
  2. Adapt Quickly
    Based on the risk assessment, employers must be prepared to adapt quickly, ensuring that safeguards in place don’t force employees to choose between their jobs and their health.
  3. Communicate Thoroughly
    At every stage, employers should keep employees in the loop. This means sharing the outcome of the risk assessment and clearly communicating any new workplace protocols. Employees should never have to wonder how their workplace is handling a crisis.
  4. Embrace Change
    During the early months of the pandemic, it took far too long for some businesses to adapt. Employers should be ready to make these decisions swiftly, and must embrace the changing landscape. This might mean having some employees work remotely while others remain in the workplace. Employers should think about such contingencies and be prepared to follow through if a public health crisis necessitates it.

Responding to the next health crisis will be much easier when you have planned and prepared ahead of time. Don’t leave it to luck. There’s too much at stake. Reach out to the Benefits team at Evergreen for more workplace guidance.

Copyright 2023 Evergreen Insurance

Evergreen Insurance provides these updates for information only, and does not provide legal advice. To make decisions regarding insurance matters, please consult directly with a licensed insurance professional or firm.